The Ypres Salient 1914-1918

The Cloth Hall and Cathedral in fire
First Battle of Ypres

As a result of a series of attacks for which the German army command use the pick of their forces, several fierce battles are being fought at: Messines from October 12th, Langemark (October 21st -24th), Geluveld (October29,30, 31), Nonnenbossen, east of Hooghe (November 11th). When on November 22nd a relative lull sets in, the Germans find themselves very near the town. At the time the firing line runs along Bikschote, Langemark, Poelkapelle, east of Zonnebeke, Saint Eloi, Wijtschate, east of Wulvergem...

Not only had the British put up an heroic defense of the town but they had also frustrated the enemy's attempt to break through to the Channel. How deadly the battles were is revealed by the number of dead, missing and wounded among the British defenders: 58.155.

During the winter that follows a relative calm prevails in the Ypres sector. Nevertheless on November 22nd long range guns and howitzers shell Ypres, inflicting serious damage on its historical monuments and set the cloth hall and belfry ablaze. It marks the beginning of the agony of Ypres that was to endure for four years.

Second Battle of Ypres
Second Battle of Ypres

During the spring 1915 the Germans had succeeded in closing in still nearer of the town. The British meanwhile had stormed Hill 60 after explode in five mines. But after several bloody battles the crest of the Hill had to be abandoned to the Germans. On April 22nd after using poison gas, two German army corps advance and capture Pilkem, Boesinghe-Sas and Steenstraat, they overpower the French and succeed in occupying part of the Ypres-IJzer canal. A little further south the British forces (mainly Canadians) also have a hard time, they ultimately have to withdraw along the line east of Wieltje, and Hooge.

Without discontinuing for a whole month and more especially on May 8th and 9th the Germans attack but are unable to break through the British lines. Once more several tens of thousands of casualties: 59.275 on British side.

Then followed a prolonged uneventful period. Althought the bulk of the German forces are active on other parts of the Western front: Verdun, Somme, Champagne, Chemins des Dames, a few not unimportant attacks take place near Ypres (among the Mont Sorrel - Sanctuary Wood - from June 2nd till 13th1916) without however bringing any notable changes in the general frontline. The enemy positions are strongly organized and reinforced by numerous concrete "pillboxes" which from the easterly ridges overlook and command the whole town and its surroundings.

Until in June 1917 the front around Ypres will seldom be in the headlines!!

Battle of Passchendaele
Third Battle of Ypres - Battle of Passchendaele

Taking advantage of this few months lull the Germans have strongly dug-in around Ypres. Hundreds of concrete blockhouses have been built and form a continuous cordon of solid strongholds.

In spite of all this the British high command decide to conquer the German occupied ridges surrounding Ypres whence the enemy overlooks the whole salient.

They also intended to break through in the direction of the coast where the German U-boot base at Zeebrugge has become a potential menace against Great Britain. Previously some strategic points are being neutralized and captured such as the Messines ridge. The preparation took several months: 19 mines simultaneously explode blowing up the German defense works and forcing them to withdraw on the Ypres-Warneton main road reached on June 11th.

Not until July 31st does the main fight begin in north-easterly direction: the battle last till early November and consist of a series of methodic, consecutive advances with a limited objective.

For more than three months, despite the most adverse conditions, like continuous rain, bloody battles are being fought: thousands of soldiers daily march on defying death, attack and counter-attacks follow each other until the British finally occupied Passendaele on November 6th 1917 and settle down. The southern edge of Houthulst-Wood and Poelkapelle on the North, Zonnebeke, the Western part of Beselare and Geluveld on the east are in British hands.

These limit gains cost the British forces nearly 270.000 casualties.